FENTON: Shut it off, shut it off! God’s sake, shut it off!
CHIPS jumps down and
goes to him, 1eaving the bike
ticking over.
CHIPS Yerwhat? Innit great Fent? What a beauty!
FENTON pushes
past him, limps quickly over to the bike and leans on the cutout button. He
sits on the rostrum.
Silence. CHIPS stands and
watches him.
Enter MARY.
She is wearing jeans, T shirt and sandals.
MARY: (bright) Hello! (No-one takes any notice - shouts) HELLO!!
CHIPS looks at her
MARY: (insistent to him) Hello!
CHIPS: Hello.
MARY: Celia coming home as well?
CHIPS: Shut up!
MARY: Is she? (Pause. Shouts) IS SHE?
MARY walks up to the back of the shed -
looks at them in their rather bleak discomfort - she giggles.
She moves round them, watching them both.
She walks over to the bench stage left and looks at the broken helmet.
She picks it up.
MARY: Brrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmm! Brrmm, brrmm, brrmm, (louder) Brrrrrrrmmmmmmm!
She is about to put it on her head, then changes her mind.
She puts it down and faces them.
MARY: (very loudly) Insta - - ant . . . CREASE!!
She laughs uproariously,
leaving them and moving forward.
FENTON stands and moves to the door, CHIPS
joins him.
They are un-noticed by Mary who is screaming with laughter.
She has another idea - moves to the bench stage left and picks up a
large spanner. She drums loudly
with the spanner on an empty oil can in time to what she says.
MARY: (shouting and drumming) ISTA – A A ANT. . . wait a bit… CREASE! INSTANT CREASE! INSTANT CREASE!
She howls with laughter, drumming on the can.
leave, leaving the door open.
MARY laughs and laughs and then
starts coughing. She eventually stops and wipes her mouth on her bare arm.
She turns round to the empty shed. She makes her way quickly to the open
MARY: (shouting after them) BIG BABIES!
She turns into the shed – she has it all to herself
She moves back towards the bike, then over to the shelves.
She climbs onto the sink and explores the boxes.
From one of the broken chemical cartons she takes a polythene package of
Kaolin – a fine whit-ish powder - and
bursts it.
Sne watches it dribble onto the floor. She enjoys the sensation as it
runs out through her fingers.
She puts out her tongue and slowly, slowly goes to lick her hand which
is covered with the powder.
She thinks better of it.
She takes another
handful of the powder from the package and throws it quite gently towards
the bike.
And as the curtain of fine powder starts to settle on the bike…
… lights start to fade